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The Rising Sun in Arms, Volume 1

We are pleased to introduce The Rising Sun in Arms book series from Spanish Author Joan Pinyol.  Mr Pinyol has worked for the past 12 years compiling the information within this extensive set of volumes (some 14 are eventually to be published) from existing english and spanish sources, plus never before accessed Japanese language resources, utilising the assistance of highly regarded Japanese academics and researchers from all round the world.  We will be making available a complete list of sources in due course in a PDF file.

The series involves in depth order of battle research covering the Imperial Japanese Military at all levels from 1937 to 1945.  Each book, commencing with Volume 1 details different aspects of the Japanese armed forces, and in this volume commences with descriptions of the lay out, responsibilities and subordinate assets of the Imperial General HQ, and senior staffs. This will provide the reader a crucial understanding of the senior command systems of the Japanese during their wars in the Pacific and China.

All the books in the series are perfect bound, with a colour cover.  Internally the information is a combination of descriptive text, organisational charts and tables indicating the forces described in each volume.  Clearly laid out and highly informative, the books provide a never before published insight to the Japanese military which in terms of it's scope and depth rivals the best work by Tessin, Stanton, Joslen et al into the German, US and British forces in WW2.  In the view of the TSWW game series research team,  it would be impossible to complete any reasonable research into the Japanese military without Mr Pinyol's Work.

Volume 1 is OUT NOW

£39.99 each

NOTE: All prices include shipping.


Price: £39.99

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