This is our release of the Madagascar invasion – codenamed Operation Ironclad.
The game is presented as a Ziplock Edition, with:
4 Map Segments
1 Countersheet (280 counters)
CD ROM with rules, charts, OBs (5 scenarios, including a what if involving the Japanese Empire getting involved)
2 x D10 Dice.
The game is now in final publication process, and as such pre-order is now closed.
We will commence shipping in 10-14 days time, allowing for stock take and so forth to be completed.
Madagascar is ONLY £55.00 for NON-EU customers, and £66.00 for EU customers.
Grab it now and see if you can prevent the Axis from interrupting the crucial supply route to the Middle East and India….
SINGAPORE! Colonel’s Edition
Covering the Campaign in Malaya, Singapore, Burma, and areas of the Dutch East Indies for the entire Second World War, Singapore! is the latest in the outstanding TSWW Operational Game Series.
The SEAC campaign is fully covered and the game includes the Malayan and Dutch East Indies campaigns. With the title starting in December 1941, and ending in August 1945 with the Japanese surrender, Singapore! is your one stop route to operational gaming in South East Asia in one box…
The game is includes 23 Map segments, 10 countersheets plus the usual Rules, Charts, Orders of Battle and high quality pair of D10 Dice.
In the box there is an At Starts booklet with 24 modules and scenarios, including learning ones to help you all get into the game double quick. In addition via our web list ( we will also be publishing 2 additional scenarios… which we simply could not fit in the Box!
The Rules, and Charts have been heavily worked over to make them easier to access, and are the very latest that TSWW has to offer you!
OUT NOW AT ONLY £378 (£315 if outside the EU)
Foxhole Game 1: Utah Beach Colonel’s Edition SALE NOW ON!!!
Foxhole Game 1: Utah Beach
Two maps representing a 15 mile wide region of France behind Utah Beach with 500m hexes on 4 lovely Euro Game style hexes, Foxhole: Utah Beach is Glenn Davis designed, with ease of play and challenging longevity in the box from the start. OUT NOW and shipping, its a great way to get into board war gaming, or to get rest from the TSWW monster lurking in your gaming room.
Foxhole: Utah Beach includes 560 Die Cut Counters showing the units that fought behind Utah Beach in the first few days of the invasion…. at Platoon, Battery and Company level
4 laminated map segments showing the critical Normandy terrain right behind Utah Beach
Ziplock Bag with a lovely slip cover – designed by Glenn Davis – we love it, and hope you do as well!
Rules Booklet
Orbats (including quick start on the counter sheets)
Grab your copy of this all new game RIGHT NOW!!!
SALE NOW ON SAVING £20 (plus VAT) on SRP!!!!
Out now and shipping at only £66 inc VAT for EU clients, if you are lucky enough to live outside the EU you will only pay £55 for this exceptional game… always free shipping!
The largest operational game is now available in the cheapest format it will ever be sold in! With 33 maps, 5040 counters, copious rules, charts, Orders of Battle and with 15 modules – ranging from micro scale games to the all encompassing Grand Campaign, the quartermaster’s edition requires you to self print (or get a commercial print shop to do the print work) and then assemble the 18 countersheets. You also require 2 x D10 dice.
ONLY £62.50 plus VAT where applicable (£75.00 in the EU) grab a copy NOW.